
Multi-order picking is a picking method and describes the combination of several analog picking orders into one multi-order picking run. Several orders for picking goods are combined for the warehouse operator according to various criteria and a single warehouse route is created for this purpose.

Multi-Order-Picking als Kommissioniermethode

MOP (also called batch picking) is a defined system for picking goods and merchandise for multiple orders at the same time. This means that several orders are processed at the same time, so that the picking operator's walking distances are significantly shorter. 

For this method, some criteria and variants must be considered. There are two possible variants for release: manual release via the planning of the picking or by an automated release.

Picking variants:

  • Voucherless or voucher-guided
  • Single or multi-level
  • With or without heap picking

Priorities can also be set for the picking sequence. Thus, multi-order picking can be configured purely route-optimized, purely according to articles or according to picking areas. Picking can also be carried out in trolleys or directly in shipping cartons. The order confirmation of the MOP can be done by shipment and cart compartment, with the packaging confirmed directly on the MDE scanner.

Automatic order release 

How does it work?

At the beginning, the release steps for planning the picking are defined. For this purpose, release steps as well as the necessary criteria are defined on the one hand.

Release steps include a fulfillment check, warehouse allocation, as well as release by single order or MOP and order replenishment. For order release criteria, there is a choice between document-based and documentless picking, a release for MOP capability, specification for single or two-stage picking, supplemented by order priority and possible VAS handling.

In addition, certain time-based scenarios can be defined as criteria for multi-order picking. These scenarios can be defined over a period of time and can also be assigned to the MOP criteria. This enables the assignation of more or fewer shipments to a picking cart depending on the time of day.

In addition, orders in picking are already taken into account and a minimum number of orders can be defined for MOP picking. Depending on requirements or priority, all criteria for checking for optimal MOPs are switched into the desired order to analyze the order pool.

What is the additional value?

The goal is a simplified and accelerated order release where the optimal MOP run is selected. Automation also enables timely release without "false" releases.


The MOP Builder defines the criteria for combining pick orders into optimal MOP runs.

How does the MOP Builder work?

The warehouse is divided into different multi-order picking areas and completed by possible combinations and definition of distances between the areas.

Then MOP criteria sets are defined, such as based on:

  • Number of items
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Carrier

In addition, the batch size range is set based on the number of shipments.

What are the improvements?

Shorter walking distances and picking times, resulting in an increase in pick numbers.

Advantages of the MOP method  

Multi-Order Picking allows multiple orders to be processed in less time, increasing picker efficiency. The goal is to reduce the total time of all picking tours, thus guaranteeing faster order processing for the picker. After picking, the picked items are assigned to the corresponding individual orders.

  • High time and cost savings
  • Higher efficiency
  • Higher throughput rate

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