Today, inventory in the warehouse at Staples is carried out in a time and cost-saving manner with REMIRA STATCONTROL.
Staples relies on STATCONTROL
Until recently, Staples Solutions also counted piece by piece. Due to the size of the warehouse and the continuous growth, the company had reached the limit of its personnel and time capacities. Two years ago, the company therefore began looking for a software system that would enable sample stocktaking. The main focus was on uncomplicated installation and user-friendly operation, and the processes involved in carrying out inventories also had to be transparent.
Smooth implementation
At the beginning of 2010, the new system with the STASAM, STASEQ and STACOL modules was implemented in Waldlaubersheim. STASAM is an extrapolation procedure that allows greater tolerances in sample stocktaking by means of mean, difference, ratio and regression estimation. The sequential test guarantees the lowest counting effort, but requires a higher inventory accuracy. STACOL complements both solutions by allowing counts to be recorded via keypad or voice via mobile data capture using a PDC device. The quick and straightforward set-up of the system was followed by staff training from REMIRA, which was tailored precisely to the task in hand.
Intuitive operation
Today, a total of 52 employees use the solution: Preparatory and downstream tasks in the operative implementation of an inventory are carried out by one to two people. The active inventory itself involves 50 people. However, they are all satisfied: In particular, the simple operation of both the system's user interface and the PDC devices significantly simplify the inventory process.
Significant savings
But the satisfaction of the employees is not the only plus point: the effort required to carry out the inventory has been significantly reduced with the new system. A saving of approx. 60% was achieved in the time factor and approx. 75% in the costs for the active execution of an inventory. In addition, the support is right. All topics of the preparation as well as topics of the execution of an inventory are supported by REMIRA. The implementation of the new system has made a great contribution to simplifying the operative execution of the inventory, minimizing the error rate and significantly reducing the costs.
- Time saving of 60 %
- Cost savings of 75 % in the inventory process
- Sample stocktaling to cope with the requirements in the warehouse