Digital purchasing strategy as a success factor – Free tickets for LogiMAT

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Although digitalization is currently regarded as a must-have of logistics, the reality of inventory management is different: Instead of modern digital technologies, many buyers still rely on spreadsheet software such as Excel & Co. Above all, the digital transformation of procurement offers companies the opportunity to optimize their added value and generate growth. At LogiMAT, REMIRA will be showning strategies for Purchasing 4.0 and how LOGOMATE can be used to put it into practice.

Even if the use of Excel is widespread and justified depending on the application, the software still comes to its limits in the area of inventory management. This is because the complex procurement processes require a specialized software solution that provides reliable calculations. As a data analysis tool, Excel is error-prone because even small inaccuracies can have a massive impact. In addition, it is the case in many companies that only a few employees maintain the sometimes very extensive and confusing Excel lists. If these people leave the company, the historically grown, valuable knowledge is also lost.

With LOGOMATE for Purchasing 4.0

In order for purchasing to contribute to the company’s success, it must make the change to Purchasing 4.0. AI-supported solutions such as LOGOMATE, which can be used to put a digital strategy into practice, are indispensable for this. The intelligent algorithms of REMIRA’s inventory management software not only ensure availability, but also reduce inventory through precise needs analysis. Companies increase their margins in this way. However, LOGOMATE’s functionality and intelligence not only improve value creation, but also have a positive impact on company growth. Predictive analytics automatically identifies trends. This is especially useful when introducing new items, as new items are immediately planned and dispatched automatically. LOGOMATE can also be used to expand the product portfolio or take into account specific customer needs without any additional effort. Since LOGOMATE can integrate all warehouse locations, regional requirements are also better mapped.

REMIRA explains to visitors to LogiMAT not only at booth C27 in Hall 8, but also in a lecture on Thursday, 12 March, how intelligent software solutions such as LOGOMATE play a lasting role in this process, but also how intelligent software solutions such as LogoMate play in this process. 12.15 p.m. to 12.45 p.m. at the Innovation Forum.