Digital communication, efficient processes


      SUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET creates a digital and transparent procurement and delivery process, which thus enables better capacity planning for suppliers and customers - and at the same time offers a modern work environment for employees.

      Simple and cost-efficient

      SUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET is the central platform for digitizing the procurement process and all communication with your suppliers - online and in real time. With the ever-increasing demands of a globalized and specialized supply chain, it is often not easy to keep track of the flow of goods. But this is exactly what successful and smooth supply chain management is all about. With SUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET, we have developed an innovative SaaS solution to support you in all processes related to your supply chain. 

      Optimale Bestände mit LOGOMATE
      GARDENA Logo
      "We have chosen REMIRA because the company and its employees radiate competence and reliability. Also, SUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET has already been successfully used by other companies and is well accepted by their suppliers as well." Helmut Brosch, Project Manager of supply chain projects at


      Advantages at a glance

      All supply chain data on one platform

      Massive time savings at goods receipt

      Elimination of manual errors

      Accelerated processes in procurement

      No installation requirement at the supplier

      Existing EDI connections can be integrated without problems

      All orders always at a glance

      Usable worldwide without special software or end devices

      Optimal communication with all your suppliers

      Seamless integration into the ERP system

      KW automotive GmbH Logo
      "We were looking for a web EDI solution, but then realized that more is possible with the same integration effort and lower price. That was ultimately the deciding factor for choosing SUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET!" Gerd Sailer, Purchasing Manager at
      KW automotive GmbH

      Advantage in purchasing

      SUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET enables your purchasing department to improve communication and creates transparency and an overview of all your orders. Manual activities are eliminated and you only have to deal with deviating orders. You can also manage all order, delivery, customs and invoice documents and the capacity preview from the supplier clearly in one portal.


      Manager im Lager

      Advantages in the warehouse

      Digital data exchange saves you a great deal of time and minimizes error-prone manual work at goods receipt. This leaves more time for productive activities. In addition, you avoid overloading and stress for warehouse employees becauseSUPPLIERCOLLABORATION.NET enables maximum transparency across all warehouse processes.

      Advantages for suppliers 

      Suppliers benefit from a real-time overview of all their orders. Order confirmations and invoices no longer have to be sent manually. Shipping notifications are created directly in the portal and labels specified by you can be generated free of charge. You can do this even without implementing a complex EDI system. In addition, suppliers gain early insight into future orders and can plan accordingly.
      REMIRA Lieferant Wareneingang

      Want to know more?

      Sign up today for a free product demo of our SaaS solution SUPPLIERPORTAL.NET!

      Schedule now!